Thursday 21 April 2022

Some observations on love

 In our collective consciousness, an idea has seeped in that love should be unconditional. The yardstick to judge quality of love is always appropriated with the adage, "how unconditional the love is".  The confusion arises from the imaginative part of love, when we imagine the purest love, we always associate unconditionality to it. In practice, love is very "conditional", just imagine one finds out the person they loved to the core of their heart, is a serial killer or a pedophile etc. Your love will dry out or at least won't be the same (if it doesn't then you have to answer some questions on your own and love will be the least problem on your plate). In reality, "condition" is something inherent to practical love. I believe when someone asks you why you love them, you should not have any reasons.  If you have reasons then you can always question them, "why" can interject along with comparison and that will be the start of the end. I believe love should be "unreasonable" and not "unconditional".