Thursday 21 September 2023

Cleft individual

"Where are you from?", a very innocent question in asking, and being on the receiving end of it one time too many,  the question is quite abhorrent in its utility. This question is the gateway to a cultural bias, borderline racism. This question is a sentimental reminder to all with "cleft identities", these are the ones who are in between the two extremes of culture. The ones who have two or more orders/contexts to satisfy or align their experiences. This creates a disharmony of  "ontological security" in an individual.  
Furthermore the question becomes tragic because "cleft individual" is also not able to identify much with the cultural entities he was born or raised. In the end they are a "disorder" to a culture they are trying to survive and probably a "heretic" to the culture they belong to. 

Tuesday 5 September 2023

mit Gefühl

 In the realm of observable, science does bring an objectification but dealing with sentient beings, we do have another medium of establishing some objectification. I am talking about subjective objectification, an internal compass (mit Gefühl) that we all have. This indicator is always bias, it is the birthplace of all the conflicts but also it is the source where all the beautiful expressions sprouts from (in shape of art, poetry, literature, love etc). Since we are living in the times they are a changin, this internal and mostly self righteous element of feelings has taken precedence over thinking. This change has warranted a change in our identity facet from "I think therefore I am" to "I feel therefore I am". This subtle change has huge implications as with this framework, any order that is created will precede any rationality and alliances will converge to homogenous feelings (and feelings are homogenous in their validation but not at the source),,,