Thursday, 16 November 2023

Post Colonial Conflict

It is a noble idea to align with a cause, to side with the oppressed and be a voice of the unheard ones. Since we are living in a hyper real world where identity of individuals has shifted from authenticity to profilicity, this has effected every aspect of our modern day interaction, mainly on the social medium. 

This has enabled people to build an opinion, take sides and be an "online warrior" without understanding the idea, concept, problem and wage their own narrative behind the wall of their "profile". This phenomena has severe consequences, which can actually sabotage the cause and pollute its reality. 

The convoluted history of "Israel-Palestine" conflict is the best example where everyone wanted to get on the bandwagon of opinions and taking sides without understanding the core problem. 

"Israel-Palestine" problem was never a "Muslims vs Jews" issue, but is a social experiment to settle a group of people in a preoccupied land by colonial masters. This conflict is purely a "post colonial" in its nature . It is not a question of pluralism as Muslims, Jews and Christians lived side by side for centuries if not millennium. With the post colonial lens, one can see that it becomes quite clear that Israel is not synonym to a Jewish nation but a Zionist one. This division is imperative to understand the subtle difference, it is on the same lines as all Talibans are muslims but not all muslims are Talibans.

The sad truth of the post colonial world is to accept the "social experiments" done by our colonial masters, which means Israel is a reality. The only plausible solution of the problem is to listen to the political direction and understanding that has been established by UN. The only solution would be to reinstate the 1967 borders and instil two states. Once this will be done, the side effects like Hamas will be dealt with dialogue (American Taliban model) or if not with power. 

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