Wednesday 17 April 2024

Irrelevant generation,,,

 Analysing the present society, the one which you are part of, is not possible. It is on the same lines as trying to analyse a language; the language is ever evolving and the tools you will use to evaluate the language lies in the same entity you are trying to evaluate. The same conundrum is present in analysing the current society. 

This doesn't mean that we should never take a project of understanding our surrounding, one way is to have "mein Gefühl" which is always subjective and not scientific approach. The other one is to look in inherent structures, deconstruct the building blocks and then can study them, at least theoretically. One project with latter approach that I know of is in detailed analysis of capitalism by Marx. This leads me to steal his idea of "alienation" and apply to the current generation I belong to, "the millennials". As I strongly believe the advent of data has killed the "freelance Philosophy". Now you can not philosophise without presenting the data,  and there is a lot of material and studies done on this matter, so I will take the former approach and try to do some "subjective objectification" here. I feel that "millennials" are the most irrelevant generation to exist in the modern history. The reason is that we are in transitional state. Since we got sandwiched between completely non technological generation (baby boomers) and completely technologically oriented generation. We are swaying between romanticism of "soft days" and the nostalgia associated with it. One example is how we are looking for jobs, I do remember when I was growing up I was still looking for classified pages in newspapers (probably an idea which is non existence now).  This can be observed in many aspects of our social interaction too. That is why I feel we are alienated by our predecessor and successor generations because we are in "hybrid" mode and sadly when we will fade away, we will be forgotten as this happens with any transitionary entity,,,  






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