Thursday 10 November 2011

Artificial Intelligence in H.D

Well Artificial Intelligence is the most abused term used in nowadays computing. Thanks for the advent of Emotional Intelligence we can differentiate between different kinds of intelligence. Intelligence is some what an umbrella terminology encompassing, emotional and academic intelligence. We human beings are themselves very complexed machine , we havent learned enough of our selves. so it would be a disaster if we juxtapose computers in our own image.
As once Thomas Carlyle said , "What is all knowledge too but recorded experience, and a product of history; of which, therefore, reasoning and belief, no less than action and passion, are essential materials?". This quote is the first line of the textbook "Artifical Intelligence Illuminated by Ben Coppin", and i am glad that a Scottish satirist made this distinction back in 19 century. So when we talk about Artifical Intelligence , this means that we are talking about academic intelligence , the intelligence which has nothing to do with emotions, experience, consciousness. The intelligence what is required to solve problem by regression , learn by propagation or hit and trial rule that does not require these elements. it seems that this sort of intelligence is inferior to ours and its in fact , but where computers beat us is there resilient ability to repeat same things for eternity without getting tedious. And by considering all possibilities of some problem million time faster than human mind. In some way the emotion less machine can perform better in most of the cases , like human mind get lazy, exhausted,tired etc. these arguments look trivial but when in reality these thing make difference.
The thing is that A.I is comparatively new term and domain, and there is no one who is currently focussing or discussing the philosophical implications from computer world. there is only one name in philosophical circles who attacked the philosophical queries relating to A.I and his name is Hubert Dreyfuss. With his two astute works , "What Computers Cant Do" (First Published in 1972) and than "What Computers Still Cant Do" (First Published in 1992) , H.D argues the disability of computers were having any consciousness and their disability to understand and learn things that do not follow any rules. H.D a renowned phenomologist is of the view that learning and intelligence does not follow any rules. According to him people have invented or created many things which contradict there culturual or geographical needs , and they have done this by some inner urge , he named that force or impetus "Calling". I totally concur that computer can not have this inner urge or creative force in them till now and it does not seem to be possible in near future too. i also agrees that computer learning is done by heuristics which definately follow some rules. But i will say that human creativity and imagination is boundless, it does not follow rules. the imagination's boundary are limit less, in my imagination i can fly on peaguses , can kill hercules with bare hands etc. means human creativity does not know limits , it does not have sense of causality , neither it follows relational heurmentics. but when we manifest this knowlsge in real world , we have to take care of all implied rules this world follows. so manifested knowldge follows all the heuristics that can be mapped in program though how diverse and vast resrvoir of knowledge we have in our mind.
But in the end A.I is still an unexplored land and we needs a lot of learning and understanding pending on our part.

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