Saturday 28 September 2019

Millennials without a cause,,,

Complete your studies, acquire some skill, get a job, get some money, marry, have a house and a car, have kids, and then die. This is the "de facto" life package for past generations. This is the what they call normal and any deviation to this pattern is deemed abnormal or even sacrilegious.
I was born in mid 80's, child of 90's. I am what they call millennials, but I do not adhere to the definition by the year I was born in, but by the attributes of the "Gen Y". I personally feel millennials are the "deviation" of the above said pattern. Millennials is the generation which has been exposed to one of the biggest achievements of the mankind, information technology. It has endued a certain sort "self consciousness". It is also very fluid, people have many personas manifested through different social outlets. Which makes it very difficult to even know one self let alone being extended to others.
So as long as one is refusing to be normalised,  they are millennials without a cause.

Monday 15 July 2019

Career choice,,,

Whenever the age reflects on my views and I need an innocent insight on life, I tend to talk to my sister's daughter. Couple of years ago, just of five summers, she had already realized the importance of  "identity" when she told me that when she grows up, she wants to be someone. This is when I started to ask her about what she wants to be when she grows up.
At first, she wanted to be a scientist, later an artist,then ballerina, an astronaut and then a teacher. But then she just told me that when she grows up, she's gonna work at McDonald's.  I was amazed by her career choice, not for the apparent reason that most of the people look down working at McDonald's, personally I don't care where the hard earned money is coming from until the means are clean. My concerns were that If she is already aware of the importance of being someone, why didn't she choose something where she can make bigger impact. Last week, she just said something that not only justified her choice, but put me in an embarrassing but very epiphanic situation. She said she wants to work at McDonald's so she can hand over free fish o fillets to her brother. I said this doesn't work like that my young Padawan to which she replied that she doesn't get why we have to work for money. Why can't we get food for free, when I will work for McDonald's, I will give free food to poor. Well this was utter blow to me, I realized this is the most innocent and naive way of a "human being of service" to others. This was her way of venting her altruism. Cliched it may sound, this world could be a better place if adults are not deprived of their innocence,,,

Saturday 8 June 2019

Sweeter than the nectar,,,

I found my self next to the calmly flowing river, and the weather was just perfect. Summer was chasing winter, the breeze started to have subtle warmth in it. Morning was edging over the sky and suddenly the night gave it the final push, and it seemed like someone has colored the horizon with pinkish hue. Everything was moving towards perfection and I was struggling to fathom the depth of her eyes. The pupils were so widen that I almost fell in them but suddenly her lips saved me from the fall. Jolted, it took me a while to register the event, and I realized how delayed I was in the act. That was the first time I came to know kiss has a flavor, it is of the sweetest nectar you have ever tasted.
Kiss is the earliest instrument of life, Adam and Eve kissed and life started where the last standing sinner will receive it from the grim reaper at the end, so life starts and ends with a kiss,,,

Sunday 17 March 2019


In the process of growing old and getting young, the concept of time has really perplexed me. It falls within the same category of phenomenon we feel, observe through their symptoms but not able to define them. I don't wanna indulge in the philosophical conundrum related to the unreality of the time, but mostly my memory serves me well. When recalling a event, the illusion of timelessness imbues me, because the events we recall mostly are in isolated state, without the information of immediate next or past related to them. Seems like memory is an incarceration with mirrored walls, and once captured, it can not escape. It just reflects with every ricochet and time ceases to exist.

Saturday 9 February 2019

Language has enabled humans,,,

Language has enabled humans to say things that they don't mean, believe or even have a slightest ability to apprehend. This has helped us to conjure up jargon and hide our vices behind it. Lie, is the invention of the language and not of the thought, the impetus of it is pure lingual. The reason is that language is amoral, emotion less construct and humans have exploited it. Reciting promises that they never intend to keep and flourishing hope when things are at their bleakest. "Glass is half full", is one of the best examples of the latter; where glass is always half empty by its virtue of utility. Instead of making ways to either fulfill the glass to its brim, or adapting our thirst to be quenched with what we have, we have came up with this idiom to palliate the situation...