Monday 15 July 2019

Career choice,,,

Whenever the age reflects on my views and I need an innocent insight on life, I tend to talk to my sister's daughter. Couple of years ago, just of five summers, she had already realized the importance of  "identity" when she told me that when she grows up, she wants to be someone. This is when I started to ask her about what she wants to be when she grows up.
At first, she wanted to be a scientist, later an artist,then ballerina, an astronaut and then a teacher. But then she just told me that when she grows up, she's gonna work at McDonald's.  I was amazed by her career choice, not for the apparent reason that most of the people look down working at McDonald's, personally I don't care where the hard earned money is coming from until the means are clean. My concerns were that If she is already aware of the importance of being someone, why didn't she choose something where she can make bigger impact. Last week, she just said something that not only justified her choice, but put me in an embarrassing but very epiphanic situation. She said she wants to work at McDonald's so she can hand over free fish o fillets to her brother. I said this doesn't work like that my young Padawan to which she replied that she doesn't get why we have to work for money. Why can't we get food for free, when I will work for McDonald's, I will give free food to poor. Well this was utter blow to me, I realized this is the most innocent and naive way of a "human being of service" to others. This was her way of venting her altruism. Cliched it may sound, this world could be a better place if adults are not deprived of their innocence,,,

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